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Star Wars: From The Adventures of Luke Skywalker or Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope by George Lucas/Alan Dean Foster.

When Disney bought  Lucasfilm and the Star Wars Franchise, they scrapped the Expanded Universe and re-labelled the old canon as Legends. That decision also meant all the existing film novelisations also became part of the Legends canon. It's a shame as Matthew Stover's Revenge of the Sith is amazing and probably the best of the original novelisations. When I read it back in 2006, I really did struggle to put it down. I even took it to work and read it during my breaks, but that is a another story for another time. For my own enjoyment, I kept the original novelisations as part of my read through, even if I have now decided to scrap the order I am reading them in. I tend to do most of my reading on the bus going to and coming home from work. It helps to pass the time and means I don't have to interact with the other passengers. Back at the start of December I had just finished one of the many history books in consume and wanted a bit of fun. Some history books can be

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